






全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [视频]SD-秋葉WebUI本地部署最终版V3
推荐使用秋葉aaaki制作的SD WebUI本地部署最终版V3,感谢她的无私奉献 可以关注秋葉aaaki的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/12566101 这个版本是webui版的一键包,和以前所有版本都 ...
我是大王 昨天 13:00 1802 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-喵手WebUI本地部署自更新一键下载安装汉化版 V230226
喵手原版下载:喵手SD-WebUI完整版v230219 (13.8G):百度云盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k4_93zP8mKzzWCAVCfHZEA?pwd=uh7v提取码:uh7v喵手SD-WebUI一键下载版v230226 (243MB):百度云盘:ht ...
羿羽 昨天 07:58 1783 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-WebUI星海世界本地部署整合包
这个Stable-diffusion星海世界WebUI本地部署整合包整合了超多模型,唯美国风模型非常多,赶快试试吧... 01. 主体novelai(Stable-diffusion)含lora vae controlnet插件、亚洲模型、秋葉启动器、 ...
小冉 4 天前 1920 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion WebUI本地部署星空版整合包230217
下载本地部署包: 我这里推荐独立研究员-星空分享的SD WebUI本地部署整合包,感谢他无私奉献 可以关注独立研究员-星空的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/250989068 1. 星空版Stable ...
nirvana 4 天前 4293 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [V5] 美丽的中国仙女风格的女孩
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simonlive 2024-4-23 22:50 3035 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion综合使用教程[第一版] - [阅读权限 90]
本教程已申请版权,严禁转载和盗卖,一经发现追究到底!!! 电脑必须使用NVIDIA的显卡,建议2060或同等配置的N卡 8G显存以上,训练模型的话建议12G显存以上。AMD虽然也有相应的本地部署包, ...
zerOne 2023-4-19 23:26 2262 4
描述语:The angelic choirs circling the abode of God, epic, extremely detailed and intricate, baroque --h 576 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/22045786-f3c5-4f10-a2c6-7 ...
小冉 昨天 12:59 254 0
描述语: An imposing lighthouse rising out of the sea, Sapphire waves, Ornate architecture, Vibrant colors, Atmosphere, Spectacular details, Dramatic lighting, Epic composition, W ...
nirvana 2023-4-15 21:24 229 0
[V5] 许多波浪的字母汤的海洋
描述语:an ocean of alphabet soup with many waves, in the style of dan mumford, dan matutina, red and azure and gold, aggressive digital illustration, oil painting, uhd image, yas ...
绘师冉 2023-4-14 12:44 215 0
[V5] 这个数字艺术中站在龙面前的人
描述语:the man standing in front of the dragon in this digital art, inspired by xiangzi, in the style of 4k, kinuko y. craft, aleksi briclot, traditional vietnamese, mysterious f ...
中庸道 2023-4-12 22:09 188 0
[V5] 迷幻海报的艺术背后是天空和海洋
描述语:complete connection with Ra, the art of psychedelic poster, with the sky and ocean behind, in the style of hyper-detailed illustrations, dreamcore, light brown and cyan, s ...
负重前行 2023-4-12 10:33 333 0
[V5] 维京超人与巨兽作战
描述语:intricate elaborate detailed ornate, golden hour, golden ratio, hyper realistic award winning photography, viking superman battling a gigantic beast, epic battle scene, ep ...
小冉 2023-4-9 20:58 151 0
[V5] 一个人站在龙旁边的船顶上
描述语: a man standing on top of a boat next to a dragon, by Li Zai, fantasy art, very huge waves, chinese architecture, anime cover, yanjun chengt, standing in a maelstrom, unde ...
我是大王 2023-4-9 15:13 168 0
[V5] 维京超人与巨兽作战
描述语:intricate elaborate detailed ornate, golden hour, golden ratio, hyper realistic award winning photography, viking superman battling a gigantic beast, epic battle scene, ep ...
绘师冉 2023-4-8 22:33 193 0
[V5] 精灵骑士和大灰狼
描述语:a pale blue elf knight in dark light armor. Riding a GIANT wolf in armor. Fenrir. Blue Forest background. Trending on artstation --v 5 --q 2 源链接:https://www.midjourney ...
羿羽 2023-4-3 00:05 165 0
[V5] 一个繁华的港口城市
描述语:A detailed scene of a bustling port city with a mix of traditional and futuristic architecture, Airships in the air, solarpunk, cyberpunk inspired by the lively locations ...
simonlive 2023-4-2 19:38 209 0
[V5] 梦幻般的森林里面有奇怪的生物和发光的月亮
描述语:A surrealistic illustration of a dreamlike forest with strange creatures and a glowing moon, in the style of Ernst, with dramatic lighting and a close-up composition, post ...
中庸道 2023-4-2 17:18 170 0
[V5] 龙在天空中飞翔
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我是大王 2023-4-1 15:22 177 0
[V5] 一个岛漂浮在海上
描述语:An island is floating on the sea, There is a large waterfall on the edge of the island that falls to the sea, There is a natural city on the island, The color of the city' ...
负重前行 2023-3-31 23:55 183 0
[V5] 梦境在阈限空间中令人难以置信的壮观
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nirvana 2023-3-30 23:51 178 0
[V5] 地牢中隐约可见的黑暗怪物
描述语:**** 本内容需VIP会员才能查看 **** 源链接:**** 本内容需VIP会员才能查看 ****
羿羽 2023-3-30 23:05 165 0
[V5] 树屋小镇
描述语:by Peter mohrbacher and Gediminas Pranckevicius, medium shot, DOF, detailed, lomo photography, 4k --ar 2:3 --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jo ...
羿羽 2023-3-30 22:06 206 0
[V5] 魔法冒险城堡
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羿羽 2023-3-30 14:33 177 0
[V5] 皇家堕落天使走向巨大的地狱之门
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simonlive 2023-3-30 00:06 206 0
[V5] 一群冒险家在一个黑暗的洞穴里与一条凶猛的龙搏斗
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小冉 2023-3-29 20:02 162 0
[V5] 幻想深夜城市夜生活
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绘师冉 2023-3-29 19:58 197 0
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