simonlive 发表于 2023-4-5 22:24:31

[V5] 逼真的缎面丝绸

描述语:Realistic satin silk in soft yellow color, smooth and shiny appearance, luxurious look, fabric would drape and flow gracefully, with a soft and supple texture that feels silky to the touch, As the fabric moves, it would create a gentle rippling effect, with the surface reflecting the light in different directions. The intensity of the sheen and the depth of the color would depend on the lighting conditions, with the fabric appearing more vibrant and radiant Overall, realistic satin silk in soft yellow would be a stunning and elegant material, perfect for creating eye-catching backdrops, --ar 9:16 --v 5
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查看完整版本: [V5] 逼真的缎面丝绸