羿羽 发表于 2023-5-13 21:45:21


Prompt:dramatic angle,(fluttered detailed ink splashs), (illustration),(((1 girl))),(long hair),(rain:0.6),((expressionless ,Carmine hair ornament:1.4)),(There is a palace far away from the girl),chinese clothes,((focus on the girl)), color Ink wash painting,(ink splashing),(Huaqing splashing),((colorful)),, Masterpiece,best quality, beautifully painted,highly detailed,(denoising:0.7),,yin yang <lora:WuMo2:1>
Negative prompt:NSFW, lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands, text, error, missing fingers,extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worstquality, low quality, normal quality,jpegartifacts,signature, watermark, username,blurry,bad feet
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查看完整版本: 彩色水墨女侠