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[LoRA] General Robotics LoRA 02

simonlive LV9
模型类型: LoRA
基础模型: SD 1.5
最新版本: GR2-NAI-D128-A64
触发词: AB_robot / robot / check description for full list of tags and triggers
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hEmQFZ_JT8ktqftIhJgOGg?pwd=a6hl
提取码: a6hl
源链接: https://civitai.com/models/88148/general-robotics-lora-02
PillowWaifu 推出的 General Robotics LoRA 02

=- 模型 -====================================================================

这些 LoRA 已修复之前包中的所有拼写错误,并在 Higher DIM 中重新训练,这将更好地控制您希望它生成的机器人部件和颜色,并且在生成它所训练的字符方面要好得多,例如来自 CODIW 的 Synaptic。
GR2-NAI-D128-A64 — 这是预览中所有图像生成的模型,其中大多数是使用 AOM2 生成的,但与其他模型相比,其效果也更好。
GR2-NAI-D64-A32 - 我还没有对这个进行过多测试,只是看看它是否有效,但我将它包括在内,以防它能做上面的那个做不到的事情。

=- 注释 -===========================================================================

* 下面列出的很多标签没有足够的材料来产生自身影响(你可以通过标签在训练数据中使用的次数来判断[数字]),但我还是把它们包括在内,以防你将要使用的基础模型用与这些标签匹配的内容来弥补这一不足。
* 有些标签已损坏,并且会产生错误的效果,因为训练材料缺乏歧义,因为它将这些标签与材料中显示的项目相关联。其中一个损坏的标签是 [42]“机械”标签,这个标签确实已损坏,并且更多地显示为背景元素而不是角色的一部分,当它显示为角色的一部分时,它是粘在角色背面的随机机械的杂乱无章,请改用 [35]“暴露的机械”标签。
* 在正面和负面提示中组合使用这些标签,将内容提炼为您想要的精确组成部分。
* 不同的剪辑跳过级别会产生截然不同且很酷的结果。
* 使用矩形分辨率拍摄全身照片,否则您的机器人看起来会像一个被挤压的侏儒。

=- 全球 -=========================================================================

这些都是不必要的,它们的作用是触发整个 LoRA,如果你使用它们,你就会得到其中所有东西的混合。

[200] robot, [192] AB_robot, [190] science fiction

=- 艺术家和风格 -===========================================================

[30] by weta workshop, [71] by aaron beck, [66] not aaron, [7] by st theo, [12] cyberpunk, [61] COD, [51] codiw, [15] q2, [18] elysium

=- 视觉风格 -====================================================================

[11] very bright, [33] bright, [72] dark, [14] very dark, [16] photo, [137] realistic, [6] cinematic shading, [108] 3d model, [57] digital art, [39] digital painting, [8] messy painting, [16] drawn, [15] game, [9] low poly, [7] pixel art, [6] basic shading, [15] untextured, [3] flat shaded, [3] unrealistic, [10] blurry, [10] monochrome, [8] greyscale, [6] no rest, [13] too much detail.

=- 姿势和图像构图 -==================================================

* 拍摄角度 - [86] full body(use together with [97] standing), [12] straight-on, [16] from behind, [81] upper body, [4] multiple views, [6] portrait, [20] detailed face, [4] head, [7] head focus, [4] bust

* 姿势 - [97] standing, [5] crouching, [4] looking down, [15] looking at viewer, [36] looking ahead, [5] open hand, [38] open hands, [17] clenched hands, [11] fists, [3] action pose, [7] combat stance , [57] holding, [9] aiming

* 武器 -  [53] holding weapon, [52] holding gun, [71] weapon, [59] gun, [32] rifle, [24] assault rifle, [3] sniper rifle, [3] machine gun, [5] holding shield, [6] shield, [6] ballistic shield, [7] missile pod, [5] arm mounted weapon, [5] arm cannon

=- 背景 -======================================================================

[34] black background, [21] grey background, [20] white background, [17] simple background, [7] gradient background, [6] gradient, [8] blurry background, [5] photo background, [28] english text, [6] reflection, [4] underground parking lot, [3] desert

=- 机器人类型 -===================================================================

[64] military, [22] police, [25] civilian, [14] utility robot, [4] construction robot, [60] humanoid robot, [39] humanoid, [27] android, [30] cyborg, [23] security, [18] strogg

=- 字符 -=====================================================================

[51] synaptic - 《使命召唤:无限战争》中的机器人,与“codiw”标签一起使用,这些标签详细说明了您想要的手臂、腿、头部和躯干的类型,因为游戏中有几种类型。

[4] rc8 — 《使命召唤:无限战争》中可怕的大型 RC8 机器人,与“codiw”标签以及其他符合其描述的标签一起使用。

[9] ethan - 《使命召唤:无限战争》中的 Ethan,与“codiw”标签以及其他符合 Ethan 描述的标签一起使用。

[17] 粉碎机,[17] 原子粉碎机 - 来自 Cyber​​spunk 的 Adam Smasher,与“半机械人”、“笨重”、“笨重的上身”、“黑金属”、“人头”、“金属下巴”、“strogg”(来自 Quake 2 的半机械人)以及其他符合其描述的标签一起使用。

[4] head12 - 我忘记给电影《超能查派》中的查派加上标签了,但是我给他的头加上了标签,因此请使用这个标签将该角色与“警察”、“蓝色金属”和“由维塔工作室制作”标签组合在一起,同时将“红色金属”放到底片上,否则您将得到极乐世界和查派中的红色机器人的混合。

[15] ir bot – 这是我自己的角色,我为了变化而将其混合在一起,与“q2”、“khaki”和 boxy bodypart 标签一起使用。

=- 体型 -======================================================================

[31] boxy, [33] rounded, [13] bulky, [15] bulky upper body, [6] heavy, [6] wide shoulder joints, [3] wide hips, [5] slim, [9] wide hip joints, [3] aerodynamic shape, [10] asymmetry

=- 身体部位的类型 -==========================================================

* 头部 - [16] boxy head, [19] rounded head, [33] wedge shape head, [8] flat head, [18] human head, [18] human face, [17] bald, [9] skull, [8] human skull, [6] lightened component head,

[8] head01 - codiw Ethan's head, use together with the "mono eye" tag
[14] head02 - codiw wedge shaped head
[6] head03 - codiw rounded head
[6] head04 - codiw flat head
[6] head05 - codiw baseball cap head
[9] head06 - codiw head
[15] head08 - IRbot
[18] head10 - Weta workshop red robot from the elysium movie
[6] head11 - st Theo style triangular heads
[4] head12 - Chappie

* 头部特征 - [16] red eyes, [7] glowing eyes, [11] mono eye, [13] optical sensors, [12] optical sensor, [7] bar visor, [15] helmet, [24] visor, [14] glass visor, [10] face plate, [25] metal jaw, [7] hat, [6] baseball cap,

* 手臂 - [99] mechanical arms, [54] boxy arms, [75] rounded arms, [29] slim arms, [23] lightened component arms, [24] boxy upper arm, [10] rounded upper arm, [6] double jointed elbows, [7] metal fingers, [4] robot arm, [3] long arms

* 躯干 - [29] mechanical torso, [51] boxy torso, [11] rounded torso, [10] slim torso, [4] wedge shape torso, [20] carbon fiber torso, [2] lightened component torso, [31] synaptic collar(put this one in negs if it shows up when unintended)

* 腰部 - [44] mechanical waist, [10] slim waist, [17] carbon fiber waist, [6] nonsensical waist(put this one into negatives)

* 腿部 - [64] mechanical legs, [65] boxy legs, [22] rounded legs, [16] slim legs, [14] lightened component legs, [9] digi legs, [8] double jointed knees

=- 技术细节 -====================================================================

[96] hydraulic pistons, [42] lightened component, [7] mechanical parts, [35] exposed machinery, [20] robot joints, [7] cable, [38] cables, [31] wires, [25] wiring, [24] artificial muscle, [18] biological, [23] LED lights, [19] radio antenna, [12] power pack, [7] handels

=- 颜色和材料 -========================================================

[28] olive green, [28] khaki, [4] camouflage, [5] black and gold, [4] gold, [4] silver, [25] metallic, [55] brushed aluminum, [34] carbon fiber, [127] black metal, [34] white metal, [26] grey metal, [25] blue metal, [23] red metal, [12] orange metal, [9] yellow metal, [6] green metal, [15] red trim, [23] red head plate, [19] white head, [10] black waist, [3] red arm, [3] white legs, [19] plastic, [4] rubber, [21] white skin, [5] synthetic skin

=- 面料和服装 -==================================================

* [9] clothed, [16] fabric covered arms, [15] fabric covered legs, [5] fabric covered shoulders, [5] fabric covered torso, [28] fabric covered joints

* [4] police uniform, [3] uniform, [3] pants, [5] gloves, [5] black bodysuit, [4] plugsuit, [16] padding, [17] collar, [22] armor, [6] reactive armor, [8] power armor, [3] ballistic west, [23] ballistic armor, [23] webbing, [17] straps, [31] ammo pouch, [32] tactical, [13] chest knife holster, [9] leg holster

* [8] grey fabric, [8] black fabric, [7] blue fabric, [7] bodysuit, [3] green fabric, [3] white fabric

=- 化妆品-===================================================================

[39] markings, [16] barcode, [3] decals, [4] damaged, [14] worn metal, [11] dirty, [18] clean, [39] glossy, [30] shiny, [25] metallic

=- 示例提示 -==============================================================

* 亚当·斯马舍
dark, not aaron, cyborg, AB_robot, humanoid, humanoid robot, human head, human face, black metal, smasher, atom smasher, white skin, white head, carbon fiber, artificial muscle, 3d model, red trim, red eyes, bulky upper body, exposed machinery, biological, strogg, security, rounded, rounded legs, rounded arms, ballistic armor, robot joints, robot, no humans, science fiction, solo, standing, glowing eyes, clenched hands, full body, metal jaw, bald, collar, realistic, mechanical arms, mechanical legs

* CODIW 的 Synaptic
boxy, carbon fiber waist, dark, synaptic collar, mechanical torso, COD, realistic, codiw, synaptic, 3d model, boxy legs, upper body, solo, looking down, optical sensors, machinery, clenched hands, by aaron beck, fists, boxy arms, carbon fiber torso, carbon fiber, worn metal, hydraulic pistons, black metal, mechanical arms, mechanical legs, head06, red head plate, grey metal, slim arms, full body, standing, simple background, gradient background, grey background

* 橙色 Weta 工作室风格机器人
mechanical waist, bright, elysium, robot, AB_robot, digital art, digital painting, glossy, orange metal, wiring, wires, cables, hydraulic pistons, full body, by weta workshop, boxy torso, rounded arms, head10, science fiction, radio antenna, no humans, standing, open hands, humanoid robot, looking ahead, grey background, utility robot, mechanical arms, mechanical legs

* 红色 Weta 工作室风格机器人
elysium, shiny, robot, realistic, AB_robot, photo, glossy, red metal, black metal, wiring, wires, cables, plastic, hydraulic pistons, upper body, worn metal, clean, by weta workshop, boxy torso, rounded arms, red head plate, head10, science fiction, machinery, uniform, exposed machinery

military, robot, AB_robot, 3d model, ir bot, ammo pouch, tactical, black metal, black waist, hydraulic pistons, boxy, boxy arms, boxy legs, boxy torso, khaki, red head plate, q2, game, low poly, pixel art, chest knife holster, visor, glass visor, metal fingers, metal jaw, assault rifle, brushed aluminum, weapon, science fiction, gun, solo, holding weapon, holding gun, holding, no humans, standing, rifle, looking ahead, full body, head08, wedge shape head, mechanical arms, mechanical legs

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

V1 生成的图片
触发词: phcrystal
你也可以添加 'crystal, gems, ice' 来增加出货率

触发词: phgems、crystal、gem
将此 lora 单独与基础模型一起使用将获得最佳效果,如果将其与另一个角色 loras 一起使用,此 lora 将被覆盖并且不会产生太大影响。
要获得单个宝石或水晶,请使用重量 0.8-1.0:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

触发词: phgems, crystal, gem


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