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[Checkpoint] CamelliaMIx_2.5D

simonlive LV9
模型类型: Checkpoint
基础模型: SD 1.5
最新版本: v3.0
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ir3npnEvcSyiZUk5GvDH4g?pwd=mkij
提取码: mkij
源链接: https://civitai.com/models/44219?modelVersionId=161429
use vae : vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors, orangemix.vae.pt
V3 is closer to 3D than another version
Face shape and texture have been changed

▼Please check settings and prompts▼
I recommend using [dddetailer] - (Face correction extention)
Recommended setting
Sampling method : DPM++2M Karras, DPM++ SDE Karras, DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
Clip skip : 2
Hires steps : 13
Hires.fix upscaler : 4x-UltreaSharp
CFG Scale : 6~11
VAE : ft-mse-840000, orangemix.vae.pt

Recommended prompt
Prompt : [please refer to exmple images]
Negative : (worst quality, low quality:1.3)
Textual Inversion : negative_hand-neg, verybadimagenegative

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Prompt: (masterpiece, best quality),(depth of field),1girl,solo,(cowboy shot),large breasts,model posture,(magazine cover:1.2),(make-up),collarbone,(cleavage:0.8),
Clothes: minimalist, sleek, monochromatic, Appearance: short hair, sharp features, androgynous style, Behavior: calm, composed, introspective, Location: natural surroundings, remote or rural area, Hobbies: hiking, camping, gardening,

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.4),(negative_hand-neg),(loli, chibi, young girl:1.3),nipples,

Steps: 30, CFG scale: 9, Sampler: DPM++ 3M SDE Karras, Seed: 1005285871, VAE: orangemix.vae.pt, Size: 512x768, Model: 000000, Script: Detection Detailer, Version: v1.6.0, VAE hash: 9312d243b3, Model hash: d6315914e5, Hires steps: 13, DDetailer cfg: 7, Hires upscale: 2, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, CFG Rescale phi: 0, DDetailer conf a: 30, DDetailer conf b: 30, DDetailer prompt: "(masterpiece, best quality)", DDetailer bitwise: None, DDetailer model a: bbox\mmdet_anime-face_yolov3.pth [51e1af4a], DDetailer model b: None, negative_hand-neg: 73b524a2da12", "negative_hand-neg: 73b524a2da12, Denoising strength: 0.4, DDetailer denoising: 0.33, DDetailer mask blur: 4, DDetailer dilation a: 4, DDetailer dilation b: 4, DDetailer offset x a: 0, DDetailer offset x b: 0, DDetailer offset y a: 0, DDetailer offset y b: 0, DDetailer inpaint full: True, DDetailer preprocess b: False, DDetailer inpaint padding: 32, Clip skip: 2


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